One modular instrument for quick and accurate aerospace PAUT inspections – for every level of expertise
Smart U32 is an UT and PAUT modular, dedicated multi-apps, portable instrument for quick and accurate C-Scan acquisition and analysis. Gain access to an innovative and efficient way of performing ultrasonic inspection while staying connected and synchronized with your team.
Developed by AIRBUS Group Innovations, supported by TESTIA.
This ultrasound testing (UT) instrument is able to drive phased arrays and single crystal transducers. It is particularly suitable for the inspection of aeronautical components made from carbon fibre, reinforced plastics (CFRP) or aluminium alloys. It is both a flaw detector and a thickness gauge. Its main benefits are:
Compact and light.
Dedicated software modules for non-experts in UT.
Improved traceability and automatic report generation.
Designed for in-service applications with user friendly interfaces.
Desktop PC compatible application software for manufacturing.
Optional remote assistance & easy access to NDT procedures.
The Smart U32 Phased array instrument has 32-element arrays & single crystal transducers empowered by dedicated application modules.
Examples of Dedicated Applications:
- Flaw Detection in CFRP components with A-scan.
- Flaw Detection in CFRP components with C-scans.
- ‘Go / Non Go’ Flaw Detection around Drilled Holes in CFRP.
- Corrosion detection.
- Thickness Measurements.
- Crack Detection with HF EC in Metallic components.
- Lack of Cladding with HF EC in Metallic components.
- Crack detection in Airframe Holes.
- Electrical Conductivity Measurements.
- Disbonding Detection with Resonant probes.
- Automatic scanning machine for CFRP profiles.
• Reduce the inspection process with the assisted
data acquisition and analysis.
• Improve inspection’s performance with automated real-time diagnosis and reporting.
• Expand capabilities with a digital continuity
brick between acquisition and reporting.
• Avoid delays thanks to Remote Assistance utility
• Relieve inspection bottlenecks with multi-function
UT PAUT capabilities.
• Allow every certified or non-certified member of
your team to use the tool.
• Share reports and support with the 4G/Wi-Fi
connectivity capabilities.
• Get the level of results requested in the aerospace sector thanks to repeatability.
• Record reliable inspection results thanks to automated reporting capabilities.
• Assisted acquisition and analysis
• Automated real-time diagnosis and reporting
• Digital continuity brick between acquisition
and reporting
• Remote Assistance
• UT PAUT Modular apps: Choose the software you need
• Some apps can be used by non-certified personnel
• Connectivity: Wi-Fi, 4G, etc
• Windows environment ready for connecting
with your software
• Aerospace specific
• Automated real-time reporting avoiding dual
entries and human errors
• Light-weight industrial tablet with large screen
Technical specifications
Dimensions: 280 mm×198 mm×80 mm×80 mm
Weight: 1.7 kg
Connectors :
- Power supply, transfer of settings and data: USB
- Ultrasonic translators: 2 Lemo 00
- Multi-element ultrasonic translators: 1IPEX
- Position encoder inputs (× 4) : Fischer 12cts
Analog signal output: none
Conformity with standards EN 12668-1:2010 and EN 15548-
1:2008 CE marking
Indoor and outdoor use
Relative humidity in operation 30 % to 80 % (non-condensing)
Protection class: IP54
Power supply: 100-240 V AC 50/60 Hz 1.6–0.9 A
Pollution degree: 2
Designed for different levels of expertise, the basic mode will assist diagnosis if you are not an expert. Expert mode will meet all your specialised requirements. It is compatible for all stages of aircraft life, from development manufacturing up to in-service.
- 3 standard modules available: Standard Ultrasonic testing (UT) module • Standard Eddy Current testing (ET) module with rotor option • Standard Resonance testing
- 5 optional modules: Thickness Gauge (UT) • Cladding detection (ET) • Galvanometer (ET) • Electrical conductivity (ET) • Coating thickness (ET)
Ultrasonic and Eddy current instrument: Compatible with any transducers, Eddy current sensor & resonant probes.
- Compact and light.
- Dedicated software modules for non-experts in UT.
- Improved traceability and automatic report generation.
- Designed for in-service applications with user friendly interfaces.
- Desktop PC compatible application software for manufacturing.
- Optional remote assistance & easy access to NDT procedures.
• Avoid delays thanks to RemoteAssistance.
• Share reports with the 4G/Wi-Fi connectivity
• Speed-up inspections thanks to assisted data
• Expand capabilities with a digital continuity
brick between acquisition and reporting
• Reach different areas thanks to multi-function
built-in capabilities.
• Get a multi-method device for your multi-method
certified personnel.
• Allow every certified or non-certified member of
your team to use the tool.
• Integrate a windows tablet generating word/
excel reports and connecting with your corporate applications (outlook, ERP, MIS, etc)
• Share accurate reports thanks to assisted reporting capabilities.
• Get the level of results requested in the aerospace sector thanks to repeatability.
• Inspect confidently with a 150 NTM procedures certified device.
• RemoteAssistance
• Connectivity: Wi-Fi, 4G, etc.
• Assisted analysis
• Digital continuity brick between acquisition
and reporting
• Windows environment ready for connecting
with your software
• All-in-one device: UT, ET, rototest, resonance,
galvanometer, thickness gauge, coating
thickness, conductivity, clad and more
• Modular: choose the software you need
• Some apps can be used by non-certified personnel
• Assisted reporting avoiding dual entries and
human errors
• Aerospace specific
• Referenced in 150 procedures
• Light-weight industrial tablet with large touchscreen display
Technical specifications :
Dimensions: 280 mm × 198 mm × 80 mm
Weight: 2kg
- Power supply and data transfer: USB
- Output: HDMI and LAN
- Ultrasonic transducers: 2 Lemo 00
- Eddy current probes: Fischer 16cts
- Position encoders inputs (× 4): Fischer 12cts
Analog signal output: no
Standards: UT 22232-1et EN 15548-1:2008 CE marking
Indoor and outdoor use
Temperature intervals: -10 °C à 45 °C
Relative humidity in operation 30 % to 80 % (without condensation)
Protection index: IP54
Power: 100-240 V AC 50/60 Hz 1.6-0.9 A
Degree of pollution: 2
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